Avoid Costly Mistakes: 10 Questions for Choosing the Perfect Digital Impression System

10 Questions That Could Save You Thousands on Digital Impression Systems: A Buyer’s Guide

Professional dentist in mask and uniform using 3D scanner for digital impressions of patient and controlling process on laptop in modern clinic.

What is Your Budget?

Initial investment costs

When you first look into digital impression systems, sticker shock is not uncommon. However, it’s important to remember that these aren’t just fancy gadgets – they’re investments in your practice’s future. The initial costs can range from $15,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the brand and features.

Don’t forget about the long-term costs. Just like your car needs regular oil changes, these systems need maintenance too. It’s a good idea to set aside a % of the purchase price annually for maintenance.

While the upfront costs might seem high, the potential for return on investment is huge. Significant reduction in material costs and remakes, plus, patients love the tech-savvy approach. It’s worth sitting down and crunching the numbers for your specific situation.

Which Specific Features Do You Need?

Accuracy is king in our field, right? Look for systems with high accuracy ratings – I’m talking microns here. As for speed, think about how many scans you’ll be doing daily. A few extra seconds per scan can add up to hours over a year.

This one’s a biggie. Make sure the system plays nicely with your current practice management software. Doing so now will save you endless headaches later on.

If you’re bouncing between operatories, portability is key. Some systems are more mobile than others. And trust me, an easy-to-use system will make your life (and your staff’s lives) much easier.

How Will It Impact Your Workflow?

Change can be tough, but with the right training, your team will be digital impression pros in no time. Most companies offer training, but the quality varies. Ask about ongoing support and resources for your team.

Patients are usually impressed by digital impressions. No more goopy molds! But remember, some might be wary of new tech. It’s all about how you present it.

Digital impressions cut down impression time, which means more patients are seen and happier staff. It’s a win-win!

What Support and Warranty Options Are Available?

When things go wrong (and they sometimes do), you want help fast. Look for companies offering 24/7 support. 

Warranties can vary widely. Some offer just a year, while others go up to five years or more. Read the fine print and consider extended warranties if available.

Technology moves fast. Does the company offer upgrade paths or trade-in options? This can save you a bundle in the long run and keep your practice on the cutting edge.

How Does It Compare to Competitors?

Don’t just take the sales rep’s word for it. Create a spreadsheet and compare features side by side. You might be surprised at the differences.

Talk to your colleagues or check online forums. Real-world experiences can be eye-opening. Some of the best insights can be found from networking with other dentists.

Look for companies with a solid track record. A flashy new startup might have cool features, but will they be around in five years when you need support?

Is It Compatible with Your Existing Equipment?

This goes beyond just your practice management software. Think about your imaging software and even your computers. Compatibility issues can be a real headache.

Make sure your new system can easily share files with your lab. Good communication with your lab is crucial for great results.

The dental tech world is always evolving. Look for systems that are designed with future upgrades in mind. You don’t want to be stuck with outdated tech in a few years.

What Are the Long-Term Costs?

Some systems come with ongoing subscription fees for software updates. Factor these into your budget. They might seem small, but they add up over time.

Don’t forget the little things – scanning heads, calibration tools, etc. These costs can sneak up on you if you’re not prepared.

How User-Friendly Is the System?

Some systems are more intuitive than others. If possible, try before you buy. A steep learning curve can lead to frustration and slower adoption.

You’ll be using this system a lot, so comfort is key. Look for lightweight wands and systems designed with ergonomics in mind. Your wrists will thank you!

What Are the Data Management Capabilities?

Digital impressions take up space. Make sure the system has adequate storage or cloud options. 

With great data comes great responsibility. Ensure the system has robust security features to protect your patients’ information. HIPAA compliance is a must.

How Future-Proof Is The Technology?

Regular software updates can add new features and improve performance. Look for companies with a history of supporting their products long-term.

The dental world is always evolving. Will your new system work with that cool AI diagnosis tool you’ve been eyeing? Think ahead!

As your practice grows, your needs might change. Can the system grow with you? Consider things like adding additional scanning units or expanding to multiple locations.

Choosing the right digital impression system is a big decision, but asking these five questions can help you make an informed choice. Remember, it’s not just about the technology – it’s about how it fits into your practice and helps you provide better care for your patients

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